Music Subject Lead - Kate Hefford |
Boringdon Primary School Music Statement Intent: Music at Boringdon is taught using a scheme called Charanaga, which covers the NC subject content as assigned to each key stage. All the key knowledge and skill milestones form the basis of the scheme and are differentiated across year groups and key stages to ensure effective progression of these. Each unit follows a set format where children start with listening and appraising, answering questions and discussing genres of music. There are singing games and activities to introduce and reinforce basic musical concepts followed by the learning of a song. Opportunities to play instruments both as an accompaniment and as improvisation. Children compose, perform and share their work at the end of each unit. At the end of each year, the children spend time reflecting on the units previously taught to consolidate their understanding. In this unit they also reflect and discuss music that has importance in History looking more closely at the composer lives in KS2. Knowledge is taught to be remembered and it is essential to ensure the ‘milestones’ of each subject are taught, embedded and then built upon. Charanga provides the opportunity to embed previous learning and build upon it. There is an ‘overlap of learning’ in each lesson and each year group’s topics build upon previous learning. Each unit has opportunities for greater depth learning and can be adapted and differentiated to meet individual needs. |